Get Latest Vietnam Abs resin Export Data to Tw

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Tw for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202439031920HIPS-3#&Colored HIPS resin. 100% new product, 25kg/bag.#&VNXXXXXXXXXX4250Kilograms5907.5TWCONG TY TNHH NHUA CAO SU TIEEING VN
1/31/202459039090TQ24DK581.2#&PROCESSED FABRIC TQ24DK581.2 58" (White knitted fabric HY-1365-A size 58" 100% Polyester coated with waterproof hot-melt resin, weight 409g/m2)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX8.8Yard11.01848TWNA
1/31/202438140000SP198#&TPR treatment agent S-167S (13 - 17% EAC ; 31 - 37% Acetone ; 32 - 38% MEK ; 13 - 17% Cyclohexanone ; 2 - 4% Resin), (BRAND: HP)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX75Kilograms265.5TWNA
1/31/202438140000SP199#&UV-93S irradiation treatment agent (0.5 - 2% Resin ; 50 - 58% EAC ; 27 - 33% MEK ; 12 - 17% Methyl Acetate) ; (BRAND: HP)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX300Kilograms848.1999TWNA
1/31/202438140000SP125#&UV-95S irradiation treatment agent (35 - 38% MEK ; 30 - 36% Methyl Cyclohexane ; 27 - 33% BAC ; 0.5 - 2% Resin) ; (BRAND: HP)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX45Kilograms107.1TWNA
1/31/202435069190SP018#&Adhesive 487S (1 - 4% MMA ; 22 - 27 % MEK ; 26 - 31% EAC ; 21 - 26% Methyl Cyclohexane ; 1 - 4% Acetone ; 23 - 28% Resin), (BRAND: HP) #&VNXXXXXXXXXX600Kilograms2088TWNA
1/31/202435069190SP039#&Adhesive 6193S (61 - 67% Heptane; 15 - 21% Methyl Acetate; 15 - 19% Resin), (BRAND: HP)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX240Kilograms584.25TWNA
1/31/202438140000SP178#&PU treatment agent 6011A-1S (23 - 27% Acetone ; 56 - 62% MEK ; 8 - 12% DMF ; 3 - 7% Resin) , (BRAND: HP)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX135Kilograms351TWNA
1/31/202439072990Polyether liquid resin in primary form (POLYMER POLYOL WANOL F3145P). Used in the foam manufacturing industry. 100% new#&CNXXXXXXXXXX2100Kilograms3633TWKHO CTY TNHH TM XNK MINH KHAI
1/31/202459039090ATN23DK580.81#&PROCESSED FABRIC ATN23DK580.81 58" (28G 1365 black knitted fabric, size 58", 100% Polyester, coated with lightweight hot-melt resin glue, weight 137g/m2)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX283.8Yard148.82472TWNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abs resin Export Data of Vietnamfrom Tw. We collect Abs resin Export Data of Vietnam to Tw with product and date. Abs resin ExportData of Vietnam from Tw helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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