Get Latest Vietnam Export Data of Abs red plastic bead under HS Code 39269099

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abs red plastic bead under HS code 39269099. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Export Data.

3/31/202439269099ISM - PT-441#&Plastic frame to fix plastic infrared filter of mobile phone camera: HM21-00097A. New 100%PARTRON CO.,LTD144300PCE793.65VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099ISM - PT-159#&Plastic infrared filter cover, mobile phone camera part: HM21-00085A. New 100%PARTRON CO.,LTD33000PCE722.7VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099ACM - PT-889#&Plastic camera mount for car dash cam parts: PY23-00075A. New 100%PARTRON CO.,LTD14100PCE562.59VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099ACM - PT-429#&Plastic protective cover for car dash cam parts: PY23-00083A. New 100%PARTRON CO.,LTD18000PCE759.6VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099547989001#&Plastic battery charging base (220*115*128mm) - PLASTIC,CHARGING BASE \HV033. New 100%TTI PARTNERS SPC ACTING FOR THE ACCOUNT OF MPV SP326PCE156.0888VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099GMT1800-47#&Comb teeth 8, made of plastic, used for multi-purpose trimmer. New 100%CONG TY TNHH ZHENG XIN VIET NAM5000PCE75VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099522990004#&Plastic motor holder (55x40x3.6mm) - PLASTIC , HOLDER-MOTOR ( INJECTED WITHOUT OTHER FAMILY PART ) \ 090938039. 100% new productTTI PARTNERS SPC ACTING FOR THE ACCOUNT OF MPV SP420PCE51.324VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099518757004#&PLASTIC fuel tank cap, OIL CAP LIGHT GRAY 8003. 100% new productTTI PARTNERS SPC ACTING FOR THE ACCOUNT OF MPV SP185PCE40.2005VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099MJV61841401#&(MDT35353701) Plastic gear of vacuum cleaner, 100% newCONG TY TNHH IPC PLAST VIET NAM17230PCE2222.67VIETNAMNA
3/31/202439269099VCA0100180#&Plastic cover for multi-function printers and fax machines code D000US004 100% new #&VNCHEE YUEN ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED (VIETNAM)4320PCE8662.896VietnamNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Abs red plastic bead underHS code 39269099 Vietnam. We collect Export data of Abs red plastic bead under HS code 39269099 with product anddate.Export data of Abs red plastic bead under HS code 39269099 Vietnam helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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