Get Latest Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive tape fabric under HS Code 64041990

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abrasive tape fabric under HS code 64041990. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Export Data.

3/30/202464041990A10785/B24030066#&ALLBIRDS canvas shoes, outsole = rubber, uppers = fabric, (size 5-11), 100% new#&VNAthena Vietnam Shoes Company Limited347PR7179.43Hong KongNA
3/30/202464041990TR3MNNW/B24030041#&ALLBIRDS canvas shoes, outsole = rubber, uppers = fabric, (size 8-14), 100% new#&VNAthena Vietnam Shoes Company Limited451PR9290.6Hong KongNA
3/30/202464041990CBYV20240301067#&Shoes of all kinds with rubber outsoles and fabric uppers (high above the ankle) brand CONVERSE, code A03154C#&VNTy Xuan Company Limited16PR353.28NetherlandNA
3/30/202464041990CBYV20240301471#&Shoes of all kinds with rubber outsoles and fabric uppers (high above the ankle) brand CONVERSE, code A10942C#&VNTy Xuan Company Limited3PR46.32NetherlandNA
3/30/202464041990897930-VSS-2093-1-2-3#&Fashion shoes with fabric upper, Eva rubber sole (not sports shoes), Skechers brand, 100% new#&VNVI THINH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED2352PR16464ChinaNA
3/30/202464041990JHS2404-184 (1134502F)#&Assorted shoes (with rubber outsole and fabric uppers) brand HOKA ONE ONE with sizes from 5.0B to 12.0B#&VNTy Thac Company Limited972PR25991.28TaiwanNA
3/30/2024640419904602120942/190189 02#&PUMA brand children's canvas shoes (sizes 3-6), EVA outsole, Fabric uppers#&VNADIANA VIETNAM SHOES COMPANY LIMITED480PR5057.808Hong KongNA
3/30/202464041990NNBF240135#&Fabric shoes (rubber sole, fabric uppers). Brand Newbalance. New 100%. Size: 6.5--13. #&pgc: 5.0061USD. PO:P400704#&VNChung Jye Ninh Binh Shoe Manufacturing Company Limited - Vietnam2532PR38410.44United KingdomNA
3/30/202464041990PO 4550281884#&CLOTH SHOES 40% FABRIC 40% LEATHER 20% PU COLUMBIA RUBBER SOLES#&VNPhuoc Ky Nam Joint Stock Company102PR1708.5Hong KongNA
3/30/202464041990A11033/B24040006#&ALLBIRDS canvas shoes, outsole = rubber, uppers = fabric, (size 7), 100% new#&VNAthena Vietnam Shoes Company Limited2PR48.34Hong KongNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Abrasive tape fabric underHS code 64041990 Vietnam. We collect Export data of Abrasive tape fabric under HS code 64041990 with product anddate.Export data of Abrasive tape fabric under HS code 64041990 Vietnam helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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