Get Latest Pakistan Roasted malt Import Data from Vietnam

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2/10/202421069090 MALT MILKTETRA PAK VIET NAM13KG98.7VietnamLPFI
1/31/202408013200 27 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202KHYEYBER TARABAR540KG1793.48VietnamQCSI
1/25/202408013200 . 20 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/2EFTEKHAR TARABAR400KG1328.5VietnamQCSI
1/24/202408013200 110 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/2EFTEKHAR TARABAR2200KG7234.63VietnamQCSI
1/24/202408013200 20 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202KHYEYBER TARABAR400KG1315.39VietnamQCSI
1/11/202408013200 29 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202KHYEYBER TARABAR580KG1926.31VietnamQCSI
12/30/202308013200 30 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/20AZARKAIN PARDIS100KG332.121319VietnamQCSI
12/30/202308013200 17 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202MAKKA TARABAR340KG1129.208939VietnamQCSI
12/27/202308013200 23 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202JAMI TARABAR460KG1527.750044VietnamQCSI
12/27/202308013200 25 PKGS CASHEW NUT OF VIETANM ORIGIN Each Ctn Contains 2 Tin each Tin Contain 10 Kg. Each Ctn contain 20 Kg Net. Marks and Number. ETNAMESE CASHEW NUT KERNELS CROP 2023 Not Roasted . Grade WW320 Product of Vietnam Date of Pro.09/2023 date of Expiry 09/202RADMEHR SHARGH500KG1660.598335VietnamQCSI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Roasted malt Import Data of Pakistanfrom Vietnam. We collect Roasted malt Import Data of Pakistan from Vietnam with product and date. Roasted malt ImportData of Pakistan from Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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