Get Latest Pakistan Lithium Import Data from France

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2/27/202485065000 LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES (LS14500 2PF -E-PN 04286L) QTY 18000 PCS NET WEIGHT 350 KGSSAFT SAS18000u31832.09FranceKAPE
2/9/202485065000 LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES ( NOT RECHARGEABLE ) (QTY: 21000 PCS ) NW 403KGSSAFT SAS21000u37706.72France KAPE
1/24/202485065000 LITHIUM BATTERIESSAFT SAS20400u34056.53FranceKAPE
1/24/202485065000 SURCHARGE LITHIUM LPSAFT SAS20400u1127.7FranceKAPE
1/18/202429337990 Lithium Clavulanate CRS (2-Pcs)DSV CONSEIL DE L EUROPE EDQM2KG181.35FranceKPFI
12/29/202385065000 LITHIUM METAL BATTERIESSAFT SAS14400u26469.7395FranceKAPE
12/8/202385065000 LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES (LS14500 2PF -E-PN 04286L) QTY 18000 PCS NET WEIGHT 350 KGSSAFT SAS18000u32047.008095FranceKAPE
11/29/202385065000 LITHIUM BATTERIESSAFT SAS20400u36058.087565FranceKAPE
10/23/202385065000LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES (QTY: 602 KGS)SAFT SAS31200u56518.353658FranceKAPE
10/20/202385065000Lithium Metal Batteries (Not Rechargeable) (Model: LS14500 2PF-E-) 3.6V, Lot No. 23160 A214 2, Qty: 21000 Pcs, Net Weight 404 Kgs Approx, Brand: Saft, Origin: France,SAFT SAS21000u38503.214986France KAPE

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Lithium Import Data of Pakistanfrom France. We collect Lithium Import Data of Pakistan from France with product and date. Lithium ImportData of Pakistan from France helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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