Get Latest Pakistan Caraway Import Data from Afghanistan

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/30/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS ASAL (QTY : 1103 CTNS) (G.WT : 18751 KGS)GT INDIA PVT LTD17648KG109817.71223Afghanistan ITTQ
3/29/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS as per DocsLAKHDATAR FOODS13020KG92216.960431AfghanistanITTP
3/29/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS ASAL (QTY : 1012 CTNS) (G.WT : 17204 KGS)HEMAL INTERNATIONAL16192KG106491.669064Afghanistan ITTQ
3/29/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS as per DocsLAKHDATAR FOODS13020KG92216.960431AfghanistanITTP
3/29/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS ASAL (QTY : 1012 CTNS) (G.WT : 17204 KGS)HEMAL INTERNATIONAL16192KG106491.669064Afghanistan ITTQ
3/28/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS ASAL QTY : 305 PRCLS G W : 18605 KGSKBB NUTS PVT LTD18300KG124058.827338AfghanistanITTQ
3/28/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS ASAL QTY : 305 PRCLS G W : 18605 KGSKBB NUTS PVT LTD18300KG124058.827338AfghanistanITTQ
3/28/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS QTY : 748 CTNS G W : 12342 KGSKAILASH ENTERPRISES And GOLDEN VALLY OVERSEAS11220KG76289.34892AfghanistanITTQ
3/28/202409096100 CARAWAY SEEDS QTY : 748 CTNS G W : 12342 KGSKAILASH ENTERPRISES And GOLDEN VALLY OVERSEAS11220KG76289.34892AfghanistanITTQ
3/27/202409096200 CARAWAY SEEDSJHS ENTERPRISES12240KG62590.665228AfghanistanITTP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Caraway Import Data of Pakistanfrom Afghanistan. We collect Caraway Import Data of Pakistan from Afghanistan with product and date. Caraway ImportData of Pakistan from Afghanistan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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