Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Bag plastic under HS Code 39269091

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Bag plastic under HS code 39269091. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/31/202439269091 159-2726-2143-4833-PLASTIC GUSSET PLATE-10~KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG122.633093United Arab EmiratesKPFI
3/30/202439269091 119-7756-9310-2051-PLASTIC BATTERY PARTS OF AN -47~kgXXXXXXXXXX1KG306.579136United Arab EmiratesKPFI
3/30/202439269091 13) Garments Plastic Tag / Strip Approx Net Wt: 660 Kgs XXXXXXXXXX660KG809.370503ChinaKAPE
3/30/202439269091 83-2725-2845-8144-PLASTIC IDENTIFICATION ST-1~kgXXXXXXXXXX1KG20.438848United Arab EmiratesKPFI
3/28/202439269091 32 ) PLASTIC STAPLE FOR GARMENTS , UN Brand , 29 KGS , TOTAL 189 CTNS = 5481 KGS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX5481KG6721.467625China PAKI
3/28/202439269091 32 ) PLASTIC STAPLE FOR GARMENTS , UN Brand , 29 KGS , TOTAL 189 CTNS = 5481 KGS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX5481KG6721.467625China PAKI
3/28/202439269091 PLASTIC TAG PIN ( 650 KGS ) FTA CERTIFICATE # P24MA2H969Y70042 DTAED 19-03-2024XXXXXXXXXX650KG797.107913ChinaKAPE
3/28/202439269091 4 ) GARMENTS TAGS M/O PLASTIC , UN Brand , 29 KGS , TOTAL 100 CTNS = 2900 KGS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX2900KG3556.334532China PAKI
3/28/202439269091 4 ) GARMENTS TAGS M/O PLASTIC , UN Brand , 29 KGS , TOTAL 100 CTNS = 2900 KGS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX2900KG3556.334532China PAKI
3/28/202439269091 114-7756-4620-9833-PLASTIC FRONT BUMPER DECORATIV-10~KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG153.291366United Arab EmiratesKPFI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Bag plastic under HS code 39269091 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Bag plastic under HS code 39269091 with product anddate.Import data of Bag plastic under HS code 39269091 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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