Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Babies headband under HS Code 63079030

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Babies headband under HS code 63079030. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

12/18/202363079030 6 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 600 PCS , TOTAL 41 CTNS = 24600 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX24600KG1608.879872China PAKI
10/18/202363079030 14 ) BABIES CAPS MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL IN PP BALES , UN Brand , 500 PCS , TOTAL 44 BALES = 22000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX22000KG1438.897125China PAKI
10/16/2023630790301 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL IN PP BALES , UN Brand , 600 PCS , TOTAL 65 BALES = 39000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX39000KG2550.741605China PAKI
10/9/202363079030 40 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 600 PCS , TOTAL 67 BALES = 40200 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX40200KG2629.144469China PAKI
9/26/202363079030 8 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 850 PCS , TOTAL 64 BALES = 54400 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX54400KG3557.671467China PAKI
9/25/202363079030 26 ) BABIES CAPS MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 1200 PCS , TOTAL 35 BALES = 42000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX42000KG2746.713358China PAKI
9/20/202363079030 7 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 600 PCS , TOTAL 85 BALE = 51000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX51000KG3335.235841China PAKI
9/19/202363079030 6 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLCI WOOL , UN Brand , 800 PCS , TOTAL 15 CTNS = 12000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX12000KG784.758213China PAKI
9/19/202363079030 17 ) BABIES CAPS MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL , UN Brand , 1800 PCS , TOTAL 30 BALES = 54000 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX54000KG3531.406908China PAKI
9/13/202363079030 2 ) BABIES CAP MADE OF ACRYLIC WOOL IN PP BALES , UN Brand , 600 PCS , TOTAL 52 CTNS = 31200 PCS CHINA ORIGIN XXXXXXXXXX31200KG2040.318883China PAKI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Babies headband under HS code 63079030 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Babies headband under HS code 63079030 with product anddate.Import data of Babies headband under HS code 63079030 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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