Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Animal product under HS Code 39199090

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Animal product under HS code 39199090. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/13/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX016114628 - Fashion 3D Cats Toilet Stickers Lovely Animal Wall Decal Lovely Blue Cat Home Decor Art PVC Vinyl Bathroom Decoration Waterproof - 0.023-KGSXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.684587ChinaKPFI
3/10/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX015911459 - 20PCS Cute Fun Cartoon Animal Postit Creative Animal Standing Message Memo Note Sticker - 0.013-KGSXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.694717ChinaKPFI
2/29/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX015518628 - 20PCS Cute Fun Cartoon Animal Postit Creative Animal Standing Message Memo Note Sticker - 0.015-KGSXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.69ChinaKPFI
2/29/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX015536654 - 50PCS Cute Meme Animal Cat Kitty Stickers Skateboard Guitar Suitcase Freezer Motorcycle Classic Toy Decal Funny Sticker - 0.048-KGSXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.84ChinaKPFI
2/21/202439199090 DZ4900998 - 1 pack of 80 sheets cartoon bear cute index stickers Student office stationery notes Creative colorful little animal st - 0.017-KGS === TOTAL HAWB 5516 WT 432 KGS DUTY HAWB 24 WT 7.20 KGS DE-MINIMIZE HAWB 5492 WEIGHT 424.80 KGS (SONIC EXPRXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.72ChinaKPFI
2/11/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX014793871-1 pack of 80 sheets cartoon bear cute index stickers Student office stationery notes Creative colorful little animal st-0.030-KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.72ChinaKPFI
2/11/202439199090 893106277-1 pack of 80 sheets cartoon bear cute index stickers Student office stationery notes Creative colorful little animal st-0.031-KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.72ChinaKPFI
2/11/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX014792566-(1 pack of 120 )sheets cartoon small animal index stickers student office stationery notes creative color sticky notes-0.017-KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.72ChinaKPFI
2/11/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX014840186-Notes (a bag of 120) Cartoon animal index stickers/cute message stickers/student stationery/creative memos-0.138-KGXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.91ChinaKPFI
2/11/202439199090 PK-CB-DEX014793104-1 pack of 80 sheets cartoon bear cute index stickers Student office stationery notes Creative colorful little animal st-0.019-KG::::::REPORT::::: TOTAL HOUSE 3409 (320KHS) DUTY 17 (5KGS) DEMINIMI 3392 (315KHS) SONIC EXPRESSXXXXXXXXXX1KG0.72ChinaKPFI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Animal product under HS code 39199090 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Animal product under HS code 39199090 with product anddate.Import data of Animal product under HS code 39199090 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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