Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Adhesive roll tape under HS Code 72044910

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Adhesive roll tape under HS code 72044910. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/29/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAPXXXXXXXXXX20000KG10359.679856United Arab EmiratesKPPI
3/28/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE ROLLABLE SCRAP Description of goods found/examined: (1). Iron and steel re-roll-able scrap weight: 4000 kg approx.XXXXXXXXXX12000KG6228.489208United Arab Emirates KPPI
3/28/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAPXXXXXXXXXX30000KG15511.100719KuwaitKPPI
3/28/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAP Description of Goods Examined/Found as Follows: (1) IRON AND STEEL RE ROLLABLE SCRAP, APPROX WEIGHT 3000 KGS. Description of Goods Examined/Found as Follows: (1) IRON AND STEEL RE ROLLABLE SCRAP, APPROX WEIGHT 3000 KGS. XXXXXXXXXX45000KG23266.068345Kuwait KPPI
3/27/202472044910 1. IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAP, NET WEIGHT- 3000 KG APPROX XXXXXXXXXX18000KG9256.979503Kuwait KPPI
3/27/202472044910 1. IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAP, NET WEIGHT- 3000 KG APPROX XXXXXXXXXX18000KG9256.979503Kuwait KPPI
3/27/202472044910 Iron and steel re-roll-able scrap. Checked weight: 100% vide QICT slip no: 11088200, dated: 27/Mar/2024, & found weight: 26080 kg. XXXXXXXXXX54120KG28090.460266United Arab Emirates KPPI
3/27/202472044910 Iron and steel re-roll-able scrap. Checked weight: 100% vide QICT slip no: 11088200, dated: 27/Mar/2024, & found weight: 26080 kg. XXXXXXXXXX54120KG28090.460266United Arab Emirates KPPI
3/26/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE-ROLLABLE SCRAP (2). Rest is iron and steel re-roll-able scrap (16610 kg). XXXXXXXXXX151400KG78422.416396United Arab Emirates KPPI
3/26/202472044910 IRON AND STEEL RE ROLL-ABLE SCRAPXXXXXXXXXX10000KG5173.728874United Arab EmiratesKPPI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Adhesive roll tape under HS code 72044910 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Adhesive roll tape under HS code 72044910 with product anddate.Import data of Adhesive roll tape under HS code 72044910 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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