Get Latest Pakistan Export Data of Spice jar under HS Code 68159990

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Spice jar under HS code 68159990. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Export Data.

3/21/202468159990 Natural Salt Bag, Black Pepper Jar 50g, Natural Salt Jar, Natural Salt, Natural Salt Brick 2x4x8, Black ( Pepper Jar-181g,758.52.Kgs)WBM Pvt Ltd18880.97KG49357USAKPPE
11/22/202368159990 Natural Salt Lamp, Natural Salt Bags , Natural Salt, Natural Salt Jar , Packing BagsWBM Pvt Ltd25659.96KG38526.7USAKPPE
11/20/202368159990 MARBLE JAR CANDLE (84 PCS)KHALIL HANIF IMPEX60.82KG281.16United Arab Emirates KPEX
11/18/202368159990 Natural Salt Bags , Natural Salt Jar , Packing BagsWBM Pvt Ltd24738.4KG38693.28USAKPPE
10/30/202368159990Natural Salt Jar, Natural Salt Lamp, Black Pepper Powder Jar 175g, Natural Salt Bottles, Red Crushed Pepper Jar 110g, Chef Cinnamon Powder 150g, Turmeric Powder Bottle 180g, Natural Salt & Garlic Powder Jar -350G, Black Pepper Jar 50g, Natural Salt Bags, WBM Pvt Ltd23345.21KG48903.75USAKPPE
10/20/202368159990Natural Salt Jar , Natural Salt Bag , Packing BagsWBM Pvt Ltd25735.59KG24209.36USAKPPE
10/7/202368159990Natural Salt Jar , Natural Salt Bottle , Packing BagsWBM Pvt Ltd25187.68KG23519.24USAKPPE
9/30/202368159990Natural Salt Jar , Salt Bag , Natural Salt Lamp , Packing Bag 0.5LBSWBM Pvt Ltd24842.39KG27473.47USAKPPE
9/30/202368159990Natural Salt Lamp , Rock Salt With Rope, Rock Salt , Rock Salt Brick 2x4x8 , Salt Cooking Plate 2x4x8 , Salt Cragt Bags , Natural Salt Jar , Packing Bags , Natural Salt LampWBM Pvt Ltd25009.16KG24408.76USAKPPE
9/13/202368159990Natural Salt Lamp, Natural Salt Jar, Packing Bags, Natural Salt Lamp.WBM Pvt Ltd24631.24KG24475.26USAKPPE

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Spice jar underHS code 68159990 Pakistan. We collect Export data of Spice jar under HS code 68159990 with product anddate.Export data of Spice jar under HS code 68159990 Pakistan helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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