Get Latest Pakistan Export Data of Gypsum bulk under HS Code 25231000

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Gypsum bulk under HS code 25231000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Export Data.

3/29/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB- FS-5633 dated 15-09-2023 IGM# PQIB-586-2023 dt 12-09-2023 Index # 1 export quantity 40550 MT consumed 5,133,224.5 kgs EFS NO-GWDE-1213275-2-25-08-2023DG KhaN CemeNt CompaNy Limited40550000KG1175950Bangladesh KEXB
3/29/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB- FS-5633 dated 15-09-2023 IGM# PQIB-586-2023 dt 12-09-2023 Index # 1 export quantity 40550 MT consumed 5 133 224.5 kgs EFS NO-GWDE-1213275-2-25-08-2023DG KhaN CemeNt CompaNy Limited40550000KG1175950Bangladesh KEXB
3/28/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB- FS-5633 dated 15-09-2023 IGM# PQIB-586-2023 dt 12-09-2023 Index # 1 export quantity 12500 MT consumed 15 82 375 kgs EFS NO-GWDE-1213275-2-25-08-2023DG KhaN CemeNt CompaNy Limited12500000KG362500Bangladesh KEXB
3/28/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB- FS-5633 dated 15-09-2023 IGM# PQIB-586-2023 dt 12-09-2023 Index # 1 export quantity 12500 MT consumed 15 82 375 kgs EFS NO-GWDE-1213275-2-25-08-2023DG KhaN CemeNt CompaNy Limited12500000KG362500Bangladesh KEXB
3/22/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB- FS-4486 dated 29-08-2023 IGM# PQIB-501-2023 dt 10-08-2023 Index # 5 export quantity 10500 MT consumed 1 329 195.00 EFS NO-GWDE-1213275-2-25-08-2023DG KhaN CemeNt CompaNy Limited10500000KG304883Bangladesh KEXB
3/22/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB-FS-4954 DT 6-9-23 F NO C-PQIB-000289 DT 6-9-23 IGM NO PQIB-564-23 DT 5-9-23 Index No 2 Export Qty IN MT 6250 Total Consumed IN MT 856.250 import under EFS SRO 957(I)/21 dt 30-7-21LuCky CemeNt Limited6250000KG182729Qatar KEXB
3/22/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB-FS-4955 DT 6-9-23 F NO C-PQIB-000290 DT 6-9-23 IGM NO PQIB-564-23 DT 5-9-23 Index No 1 Export Qty IN MT 6250 Total Consumed IN MT 856.250 import under EFS SRO 957(I)/21 dt 30-7-21LuCky CemeNt Limited6250000KG183355Qatar KEXB
3/19/202425231000 CLINKER IN BULKPOWER CEMENT LIMITED550000KG17203Gabon PQEB
3/16/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E PQIB-FS-4954 DT 6-9-23 F NO C-PQIB-000289 DT 6-9-23 IGM NO PQIB-564-23 DT 5-9-23 Index No 2 Export Qty IN MT 18750 Total Consumed IN MT 2568.75 import under EFS SRO 957(I)/21 dt 30-7-21LuCky CemeNt Limited18750000KG551252Qatar KEXB
3/16/202425231000 Clinker in bulk B/E No.PQIB-FS-12983 dt 09-01-24 IGM # PQIB-824-23 dt 14-12-23 Index # 13 Exp Qty MT 7863.00 total consumed in MT 1061.51 CLINKER IN BULK EFS-HCSE-0700886-36-03-07-2023POWER CEMENT LIMITED7863000KG246163Gabon PQEB

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Gypsum bulk underHS code 25231000 Pakistan. We collect Export data of Gypsum bulk under HS code 25231000 with product anddate.Export data of Gypsum bulk under HS code 25231000 Pakistan helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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