Get Latest Pakistan Flue cured Export Data to Belgium

Get latest Customs Export data of Pakistan to Belgium for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/30/202424012000 FLUE-CURED UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LV0800 CROP YEAR 2023 NET WEIGHT 178200 KGS, GROSS WEIGHT 190228.5 KGS 891 CARTONSPhilip Morris PakistaN Limited178200KG858777.6Belgium KPPE
1/30/202424012000 FLUE-CURED UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LV0802 CROP YEAR 2023 NET WEIGHT 148200 KGS, GROSS WEIGHT 158203.50 KGS 741 CARTONSPhilip Morris PakistaN Limited148200KG714202.25Belgium KPPE
1/19/202424012000 FLUE-CURED /Unmanufactured tobacco LV0781 CROP YEAR:2023 NET WEIGHT 49200 KGs GROSS WEIGHT 52521 KGsPhilip Morris PakistaN Limited49200KG240818.1Belgium KPEX
1/19/202424012000 FLUE-CURED /Unmanufactured tobacco LV0815 23 CROP YEAR: 2023 NET WEIGHT 17200 KGs GROSS WEIGHT 18386.8 KGs 86 CARTONPhilip Morris PakistaN Limited17200KG10706.04Belgium KPEX
1/19/202424012000 FLUE-CURED /Unmanufactured tobacco LV0816 CROP YEAR: 2023 NET WEIGHT 1200 KGs GROSS WEIGHT 1282.8 KGs, 6 CARTONSPhilip Morris PakistaN Limited1200KG746.93Belgium KPEX
1/5/202424012000 FLUE-CURED /UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LOT NO LV0779 CROP YEAR 2023 (NET WEIGHT 49200 KGS GROSS WEIGHT 52521 KGS)Philip Morris PakistaN Limited49200KG242193.71Belgium KPPE
1/5/202424012000 FLUE-CURED /UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LOT NO LV0768 CROP YEAR 2023 (NET WEIGHT 138600 KGS GROSS WEIGHT 147955.50 KG)Philip Morris PakistaN Limited138600KG594199.2Belgium KPPE
1/1/202424012000 VIRGINIA GREEN-CURED /UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LOT NO LT0878 CROP YEAR 2023 (NET WEIGHT 1000KG GROSS WEIGHT 1067.50 KG)Philip Morris PakistaN Limited1000KG2913.92Belgium KPPE
12/28/202324012000 FLUE-CURED /UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LOT NO LV0813 CROP YEAR 2023 (NET WEIGHT 204600KG GROSS WEIGHT 218717.40 KG)Philip Morris PakistaN Limited204600KG128352.4Belgium KPPE
12/26/202324012000 FLUE-CURED /UNMANUFACTURED TOBACCO LOT NO LV0809 CROP YEAR 2023 (NET WEIGHT 186000KG GROSS WEIGHT 198834 KG)Philip Morris PakistaN Limited186000KG116849.33Belgium KPPE

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Flue cured Export Data of Pakistanfrom Belgium. We collect Flue cured Export Data of Pakistan to Belgium with product and date. Flue cured ExportData of Pakistan from Belgium helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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