Get Latest Indonesia Kg chemical Import Data from China

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3/31/202407032090GARLIC (BAWANG PUTIH) @20 KG/BAGNA290Metric ton362500ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/31/202407032090GARLIC (BAWANG PUTIH) @20 KG/BAGNA290Metric ton362500ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202408052100FRESH MANDARIN MASHUI 6,5 KG/BOXNA49Metric ton89107ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202408052100FRESH MANDARIN (WOKAN) 6,5 KG/BOXNA23Metric ton41932ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202408105000FRESH KIWI @9 KG/CTN SEGARNA16848Kilogram76195ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202439095000IMPRANIL DL 1016 BARREL 200 KGNA11200Kilogram54414ChinaTaNjuNg PriOk
3/30/202408105000FRESH KIWI @6 KG/CTN SEGARNA2736Kilogram12373ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202408081000FRESH FUJI APPLE 13,5 KG/CTNNA10Metric ton23463ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202408081000FRESH APPLES FUJI 13,5 KG/CTNNA43Metric ton95634ChinaTaNjuNg Perak
3/30/202455151100WOVEN FABRIC 64% RECYCLE POLYESTER 34%LIVA-ECO-VISCOSE 2%SPANDEX (TMKF-23-10662/10685) QTY : 13037.50 MTR , 4290 KGNA14258Yard (0.9144 m)14640ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Kg chemical Import Data of Indonesiafrom China. We collect Kg chemical Import Data of Indonesia from China with product and date. Kg chemical ImportData of Indonesia from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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