Get Latest Indonesia Baby net Import Data from New zealand

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/31/202404021041MULTI-PLY BAGS SKIMMILK POWDER MEDIUM HEAT EACH 25 KG NETFONTERRA LIMITED54000Kilogram157839New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/30/202404021041MULTI-PLY BAGS SKIMMILK POWDER HIGH HEAT EACH 25 KG NETFONTERRA LIMITED54000Kilogram157619New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/25/202404059010DRUMS ANHYDROUS MILKFAT PREMIUM EACH 210KG NETFONTERRA LIMITED23520Kilogram174512New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/24/2024040210413814 MULTI-PLY BAGS SKIMMILK POWDER INSTANT EACH 25 KG NET 95.350000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED95350Kilogram303784New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/202404051000890 CARTONS ANCHOR UNSALTED BUTTER EACH 40 X 200G NET PAT 7.120000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED7120Kilogram65825.6New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/202404069000225 CARTONS CHEDDAR CHEESE FOR MANUFACTURING EACH 20 KG NET 4.500000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED4500Kilogram22427.7New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/202404059010DRUMS ANHYDROUS MILKFAT PREMIUM EACH 210KG NETFONTERRA LIMITED23520Kilogram174512New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/2024040610106046 CARTONS ANCHOR CREAM CHEESE EACH 12 X 1 KG NET 72.552000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED72552Kilogram367993New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/202404051000855 CARTONS ANCHOR UNSALTED BUTTER EACH 4 X 5 KG NET 17.100000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED17100Kilogram146548New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/23/202404061010780 CARTONS ANCHOR CREAM CHEESE EACH 12 X 1 KG NET 9.360000 TONNESFONTERRA LIMITED9360Kilogram47475.1New ZealandTanjung Priok

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Baby net Import Data of Indonesiafrom New zealand. We collect Baby net Import Data of Indonesia from New zealand with product and date. Baby net ImportData of Indonesia from New zealand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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