Get Latest Indonesia Animal Import Data from New zealand

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/31/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL ( RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED )SBT MARKETING (2009) LTD116160Kilogram59241.6New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/31/202405119990BLOOD MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)SBT MARKETING (2009) LTD40080Kilogram33667.2New ZealandTanjung Perak
10/31/202405119990BLOOD MEAL ( RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)SBT MARKETING (2009) LTD18.65Metric ton15479.5New ZealandTanjung Perak
10/31/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)SILVER FERN FARMS LIMITED98800Kilogram48708.4New ZealandPanjang (lampung, Sumatra)
10/30/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)FARM BRANDS LIMITED121.66Metric ton74820.9New ZealandTanjung Perak
10/30/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED) PO 1321012964(2)WILMAR TRADING (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD61944Kilogram40449.4New ZealandPanjang (lampung, Sumatra)
10/30/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)FARM BRANDS LIMITED102.26Metric ton64526.1New ZealandTanjung Perak
10/30/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED) PO 1321012964(1)WILMAR TRADING (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD41256Kilogram26940.2New ZealandPanjang (lampung, Sumatra)
10/30/202423011000MEAT AND BONE MEAL ( RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED )WILMAR TRADING ( AUSTRALIA ) PTY LTD99100Kilogram45179.7New ZealandTanjung Priok
10/30/202405119990BLOOD MEAL (RAW MATERIAL FOR ANIMAL FEED)SBT MARKETING (2009) LTD18750Kilogram15562.5New ZealandTanjung Perak

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Animal Import Data of Indonesiafrom New zealand. We collect Animal Import Data of Indonesia from New zealand with product and date. Animal ImportData of Indonesia from New zealand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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