Get Latest Indonesia Import Data of Acrylic acrylic yarn under HS Code 54012090

Discover latest Indonesia shipment data of Acrylic acrylic yarn under HS code 54012090. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Indonesia Import Data.

10/25/2024540120902/18NM 60% COTTON 20% NYLON 20% VISCOSE YARNSHINWON CORPORATION13Piece6.5South KoreaN/A
10/22/20245401209045S/2 PP CORE SPUN YARNHI-TECH POLYACE BIOBASED FIBER CO.LTD758.7Kilogram8105.07ChinaBatu Ampar
10/22/202454012090100% VISCOSE EMBROIDERY YARNOLYMP BEZNER KG30000Metre77.21GermanyN/A
10/17/20245401209001B 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G CH21144CHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO., LTD1Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)11.54ChinaN/A
10/17/20245401209060F 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G CH53318CHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO., LTD1Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)11.54ChinaN/A
10/17/20245401209010A 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G WHITECHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO., LTD1Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)9.63ChinaN/A
10/16/20245401209040/2 EMBROIDERED YARNHUBEI ZST TRADE CO.,LTD.22000Kilogram22440ChinaBelawan
10/14/202454012090NYLON 66 BONDED THREAD 86L 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G CH56175CHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO LTD4Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)24.4ChinaN/A
10/14/202454012090NYLON 66 BONDED THREAD (00A) 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G BLACKCHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO LTD8Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)48.8ChinaN/A
10/14/202454012090NYLON 66 BONDED THREAD 3KG 200D/1 PLY NYLON 6 ELASTIC TXTURED YARN 18000Y/P 450G CH30243CHIN HSIN TEXTILE CO LTD9Pound GB,US (0,45359237 kg)54.9ChinaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Acrylic acrylic yarn under HS code 54012090 Indonesia. We collect Import data of Acrylic acrylic yarn under HS code 54012090 with product anddate.Import data of Acrylic acrylic yarn under HS code 54012090 Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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