Get Latest Indonesia 250 lamp Import Data from Usa

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/31/202429061100MENTHOL (250 MG)UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIAL CONVENTION0.0002Kilogram251.1USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/31/202470179000DISPOSABLE CUVETTES (BOX OF 250)WATERS TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION8Piece242.56USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/31/202429372100PREDNISONE (250 MG)UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIAL CONVENTION0.001Kilogram982.8USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/31/202434024210 LIPOMULSE LUXE, DRUM 250# NET FIBERVANTAGE SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS6803.96Kilogram51029.4USATanjung Priok
10/31/202484818099VALVE:C;6 IN NB,250 PSI MAX,2-PCPT FREEPORT INDONESIA (RESUPPLY)2each1628.88USATanjung Perak
10/31/202485392990LAMP ASSY, 2100 PORTABLE TURBS ECCN : EAR99HACH COMPANY4Piece461.16USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/31/202484818099VALVE:C;6 IN NB,250 PSI MAX,2-PCPT FREEPORT INDONESIA (RESUPPLY)4each3257.76USATanjung Perak
10/31/202485392120HALOGEN LAMP-DR 3900 and LICO 6xx ECCN : EAR99HACH COMPANY5Piece459.7USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/30/202488073000LAMPAIRBUS AMERICAS CS35each261.8USAN/A
10/30/202438221900R1100-250 DNA/RNA SHIELDTM (250 ML)ZYMO RESEARCH CORPORATION2each335.08USACengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest 250 lamp Import Data of Indonesiafrom Usa. We collect 250 lamp Import Data of Indonesia from Usa with product and date. 250 lamp ImportData of Indonesia from Usa helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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