Get Latest Indonesia 100 cotton shirt Import Data from Egypt

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/24/20246203429000505-0260 505™ REGULAR BLACK 37743 PANT 100%COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY700Piece5635EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/202462034290 36512-0186 501®ORIGINAL SHORTS TO THE MILLENIUM SHO SHORT 99% COTTON-1% ELASTANE WOVEN LOTUS HI TECH GARMENTS CO364Piece4375.28EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/202462034290 04511-3230 511™ SLIM BLACK 37743 PANT 100%COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY280Piece2242.8EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/202462034290 36512-0235 501®ORIGINAL SHORTS 9AM ON BATTERY SHORT SHORT 99% COTTON-1% ELASTANE WOVENLOTUS HI TECH GARMENTS CO279Piece3108.06EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/20246203429004511-3230 511™ SLIM BLACK 37743 PANT 100%COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY200Piece1602EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/202462034290 00505-0260 505™ REGULAR BLACK 37743 PANT 100%COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY892Piece7180.6EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/20246203429000517-0260 517™ BOOTCUT BLACK 37743 PANT 100% COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY200Piece1618EgyptTanjung Priok
10/24/20246203429000505-0260 505™ REGULAR BLACK 37743 PANT 100%COTTON WOVENLOTUS GARMENTS COMPANY600Piece4830EgyptTanjung Priok
10/11/202460062200KNITTED FABRIC 95% COTTON 5% E;ASTANE ART: C/S COTTON SPX DOB07 67" 8986DELTA TEXTILE EGYPT331Yard (0.9144 m)925.24EgyptN/A
10/11/202460062200KNITTED FABRIC 95% COTTON 5% ELASTANE ART: C/S COTTON SPX DOB18 36" 9070DELTA TEXTILE EGYPT1642Yard (0.9144 m)3717.07EgyptN/A

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest 100 cotton shirt Import Data of Indonesiafrom Egypt. We collect 100 cotton shirt Import Data of Indonesia from Egypt with product and date. 100 cotton shirt ImportData of Indonesia from Egypt helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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