Get Latest Indonesia 100 cotton knitted mens shirt Import Data from Indonesia

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/24/20245210490065% COTTON ,35% VISCOSE WOVEN FABRIC #SP25 00755DGLST CC005 (7564.65 MTR)TEXBANK LIMITED8272.8Yard (0.9144 m)16499.5IndonesiaN/A
10/24/20245210490065% COTTON ,35% VISCOSE WOVEN FABRIC #SP25 00755DGLST CC005 (22.86 MTR)TEXBANK LIMITED25Yard (0.9144 m)49.86IndonesiaN/A
10/24/20245210490065% COTTON ,35% VISCOSE WOVEN FABRIC #SP25 00755DGLST CC010 (10074.04 MTR)TEXBANK LIMITED11017.1Yard (0.9144 m)21972.8IndonesiaN/A
10/18/202485414300100% SOLAR CELLS SOLAR MODULE 2278*1134*30MMPT. REC SOLAR ENERGY INDONESIA1044Piece82241.1IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049069VITAMIN B1 INJEKSI 100 MG, DUS 10 VIAL @ 10 ML (GLOBAL) PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA50box270IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049069VITAMIN B1 5 MG, BOTOL @ 100 TAB (PIM) PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA3600bottle1143IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049051KOMIX RASA JERUK NIPIS, SIRUP 15/2/100 MG, DUS, 30 SACHET @ 7 ML PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA2500box7081IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049069VITAMIN B COMPLEX, BOTOL @ 100 TAB (PIM) PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA5400bottle1715IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049051KOMIX RASA JAHE, SIRUP 15/2/100 MG, DUS, 30 SACHET @ 7 ML PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA2500box7081IndonesiaN/A
9/19/202430049051KONIDIN, TABLET 100/5/2 MG, DUS, 50 CATCH COVER @ 1 STRIP @ 4 TABLET PT. MANDIRI LESTARI MEDIKA1000box7389IndonesiaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest 100 cotton knitted mens shirt Import Data of Indonesiafrom Indonesia. We collect 100 cotton knitted mens shirt Import Data of Indonesia from Indonesia with product and date. 100 cotton knitted mens shirt ImportData of Indonesia from Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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