Get Latest Indonesia glucose Import Data from United kingdom

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/30/202438210010VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR 500G,OXOID LIMITED58Piece1657.64United KingdomTanjung Priok
10/29/202438229090GLUCOSE 4X20MLRANDOX LABORATORIES LTD10kit177.3United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/29/202438229090GLUCOSE GOD-PAP 9X51ML (9X245TESTS)RANDOX LABORATORIES LTD10kit773.1United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/18/202438229090Glucose Pap 5x42, 1x5mlGLENBIO LIMITED9Piece91.68United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/18/202438229090Glucose Pap 5x42, 1x5mlGLENBIO LIMITED45Piece458.39United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/18/202438229090Glucose Pap 5x42, 1x5mlGLENBIO LIMITED6Piece61.12United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/9/202438210010VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR 500G, CM0485BOXOID LIMITED82Piece2343.56United KingdomTanjung Priok
10/9/202438210010VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR (ISO), CM1082BOXOID LIMITED72Piece3669.84United KingdomTanjung Priok
9/23/202438229090Glucose Pap 5x42, 1x5ml - GL6S716GLENBIO LIMITED5Piece51United KingdomCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
9/19/202438210010TRYPTONE GLUCOSE EXTRACT AGAR 500G, CM0127BOXOID LIMITED14Piece1200United KingdomTanjung Priok

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest glucose Import Data of Indonesiafrom United kingdom. We collect glucose Import Data of Indonesia from United kingdom with product and date. glucose ImportData of Indonesia from United kingdom helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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