Get Latest Indonesia Cereal Export Data to Cambodia

Get latest Customs Export data of Indonesia to Cambodia for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/22/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 6+ CHICKEN & CARROT SOUP 24X120GPT.70carton1596CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/22/202419011099MILNAB 24X15G KHABY CEREAL 6+ BANANA 24X120GPT.50carton984CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/22/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 6+ BEEF & BROCCOLI SOUP 24X120GPT.40carton787.2CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/22/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 6+ BROWN RICE 24X120GPT.30carton590.4CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/22/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 8+ C24X15G KHHICKEN & CORN SOUP 24X100GPT.25carton492CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/22/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 8+ BEEF WITH GREEN PEAS 24X100GPT.115carton2263.2CambodiaTanjung Priok
10/10/202419041010KOKO KRUNCH CEREAL 30GR X 48 PCSCV ACROSS SEVEN CONTINENTS25carton567.5CambodiaTanjung Perak
10/10/202419041010HONEY STAR CEREAL 30GR X 48 PCSCV ACROSS SEVEN CONTINENTS8carton181.6CambodiaTanjung Perak
10/10/202419041010MILO CEREAL 30GR X 48 PCSCV ACROSS SEVEN CONTINENTS20carton454CambodiaTanjung Perak
9/30/202419011099MILNA BABY CEREAL 6+ BANANA 24X120GPT. SANGHIANG PERKASA15carton295CambodiaTanjung Priok

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Cereal Export Data of Indonesiafrom Cambodia. We collect Cereal Export Data of Indonesia to Cambodia with product and date. Cereal ExportData of Indonesia from Cambodia helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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