Get Latest Indonesia Alloy steel Export Data to Philippines

Get latest Customs Export data of Indonesia to Philippines for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/29/202473269099STEEL PALLET M000198 (SKID TYPE C)PT. YKK ZIPCO INDONESIA6Piece0PhilippinesTanjung Priok
10/28/202473063091COLD ROLLED AUTOMOTIVE STEEL TUBE : STAM (390G) 17.3X 1.60 X 4245.0 MMINDONESIA STEEL TUBE WORKS1778Piece8676.64PhilippinesTanjung Priok
10/28/2024720711006,126 PCS OF PRIME STEEL BILLETS(BF QUALITY) GRADE 3SPPT. DEXIN STEEL INDONESIA9624.64Metric ton4.29259e+006PhilippinesBahudopi
10/28/2024720720294,390 PCS OF PRIME STEEL BILLETS GRADE 5SP-ZPT. DEXIN STEEL INDONESIA6910.42Metric ton3.07375e+006PhilippinesBahudopi
10/28/202473063091COLD ROLLED AUTOMOTIVE STEEL TUBE : STKM (13A) 12.7X 1.20 X 4215.0 MMINDONESIA STEEL TUBE WORKS2648Piece5958PhilippinesTanjung Priok
10/28/2024720720293,182 PCS OF PRIME STEEL BILLETS GRADE 5SP-QPT. DEXIN STEEL INDONESIA4987.12Metric ton2.27812e+006PhilippinesBahudopi
10/28/202473063091COLD ROLLED AUTOMOTIVE STEEL TUBE : STAM (290G) 12.7X 1.20 X 4485.0 MMINDONESIA STEEL TUBE WORKS662Piece1628.52PhilippinesTanjung Priok
10/28/202473063091COLD ROLLED AUTOMOTIVE STEEL TUBE : STKM (11A) 12.7X 1.60 X 3955.0 MMINDONESIA STEEL TUBE WORKS1897Piece5311.6PhilippinesTanjung Priok
10/24/202473219090SPRING STEEL DIA. 5B MMPT.10Piece174.4PhilippinesCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/22/202495079000STEEL COLLECTOR FRAME WITH HOOKS CV. BLUE SEA GIFT500Piece830.94PhilippinesTanjung Perak

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Alloy steel Export Data of Indonesiafrom Philippines. We collect Alloy steel Export Data of Indonesia to Philippines with product and date. Alloy steel ExportData of Indonesia from Philippines helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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