Get Latest Indonesia Export Data of Adult dress under HS Code 62042990

Discover latest Indonesia shipment data of Adult dress under HS code 62042990. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Indonesia Export Data.

10/26/202462042990Dress 100% CottonMORATO BALI JAYARAYA19Piece190.94AustraliaDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/26/202462042990Dress 100% LinenMORATO BALI JAYARAYA3Piece34.17AustraliaDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/202462042990CLOTHING LINEN DRESS Clothing Linen DressPT. BIROTIKA UNIVERSE1Piece5SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/202462042990RIO DRESS LATTE 779286017021PT. FEDEX EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL1Number of packs25.51SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/2024620429902 PCS RAYON SUMMER DRESS 779284023414PT. FEDEX EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL1Number of packs67.85SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/2024620429906 PCS RAYON SUMMER DRESS 1 PCS WOVEN NATURAL RAFFIA SUMMER BAG 779285700121PT. FEDEX EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL1Number of packs296.92SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/2024620429902 PCS RAYON SUMMER DRESS 779285305431PT. FEDEX EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL1Number of packs59.54SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/202462042990MINI DRESS 779256039939PT. FEDEX EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL1Number of packs247.73SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/202462042990CLOTHING WOVEN DRESS RAYON CLOTHINGPT. BIROTIKA UNIVERSE1Piece76SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)
10/16/202462042990Clothing items (Shirt, short and dress) CLOTHINGPT. BIROTIKA UNIVERSE1Piece4.59SingaporeDenpasar / Ngurah Rai (u)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Adult dress underHS code 62042990 Indonesia. We collect Export data of Adult dress under HS code 62042990 with product anddate.Export data of Adult dress under HS code 62042990 Indonesia helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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