Get Latest India Import Data of 24 cotton under HS Code 71023910

Discover latest India shipment data of 24 cotton under HS code 71023910. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic India Import Data.

3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG F VVS1 6.96x 3.35 2.04 424103293 JGS SR.NO 51 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.48CTM 932.37INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG F VVS2 5.36x 3.55 2.5 824700820 JGS SR.NO 69 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.5CTM 1073.9INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 82 CONS/8039/23-24 OB(OVAL) SI2 F 8.76x6.48x4.05 GIA-7482293886 GOPI DIAM INC. 1.51CTM 4275.71INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 87 CONS/8039/23-24 MB(MARQUISE) SI1 H 12.11x6.53x4.11 GIA-1489331956 GOPI DIAM INC. 2CTM 12779.41INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910RI CPD(CER RET)RBC F VS2 H=3.97 L=6.40 W=6.35 CN NO.2235229093 SB NO:8280293 SB DT.13.03.2024 REF:CGIA/232/23-24 SN.2 GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA, INC 1.01CTM 5104.29INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG F VVS2 5.67x 3.68 2.53 524700617 JGS SR.NO 71 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.5CTM 1073.9INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 105 CONS/8039/23-24 OB(OVAL) SI2 F 7.99x5.95x3.76 GIA-1455929861 GOPI DIAM INC. 1.2CTM 1738.96INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 5 CONS/8039/23-24 HB(HEART) VS2 H 5.64x6.33x3.51 GIA-6482415260 GOPI DIAM INC. 0.71CTM 1190.39INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 33 CONS/8039/23-24 SMB(PRINCESS) VS2 K 6.75x6.70x4.95 GIA-6475811452 GOPI DIAM INC. 2.05CTM 5116.6INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.92x 2.92 1.84 124103078 JGS SR.NO 17 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.32CTM 556.18INDIA PCCCC BANDRA-KURLA AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of 24 cotton under HS code 71023910 India. We collect Import data of 24 cotton under HS code 71023910 with product anddate.Import data of 24 cotton under HS code 71023910 India helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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