Get India Import Data from Dominican republic to Nhava sheva port under HS Code 94032010

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Dominican republic to Nhava sheva Port under HS Code 94032010 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

2/26/20249403201060560772 OLIVBLAD plant stand 56 in/outdoor light grey AP [Actual Quantity: 6 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX19.128KGS 66.49CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201090560775 OLIVBLAD plant stand 58 in/outdoor light grey AP [Actual Quantity: 20 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX36.94KGS 186.78CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201020568954 TESAMMANS stor ut on castors 42x72 multicolour AP [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX31.317KGS 134.49CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201070531958 NISSAFORS trolley 50.5x30x83 pale green AP [ActualQuantity: 40 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX198.96KGS 655.61CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201080471572 KORNSJO side tbl 50x35 black AP [Actual Quantity: 8NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX59.312KGS 207.08CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201030481615 ENHET hi fr w shlvs 60x30x180 white AP [Actual Quantity: 4 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX52.816KGS 207.79CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/26/20249403201090562661 TESAMMANS side tbl 37x37 red-brown/pink AP [ActualQuantity: 2 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX7.43KGS 43.35CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/13/20249403201060533651 GLADOM N tray tbl 45x53 red AP [Actual Quantity: 220 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX643.06KGS 2096.08CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/13/20249403201090486653 OLIVBLAD plant stand 35 in/outdoor black AP [ActualQuantity: 21 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX23.982KGS 111.93CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA
2/13/20249403201040481605 ENHET wall fr w shlvs 40x15x75 anthracite AP [Actual Quantity: 17 NOS] KGS XXXXXXXXXX63.359KGS 308.84CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Dominican republic at Nhava sheva. We collect HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Dominican republic at Nhava sheva with product and date.HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Dominican republic at Nhava sheva helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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