Get India Import Data from Czech republic to Chennai sea port under HS Code 94032010

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Czech republic to Chennai sea Port under HS Code 94032010 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

11/29/20239403201030474865 TROTTEN trolley 80x40 anthracite AP [Actual Quantity: 6 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX100.614KGS 289.04CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/29/20239403201040481605 ENHET wall fr w shlvs 40x15x75 anthracite AP [Actual Quantity: 7 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX26.089KGS 132.53CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/29/20239403201040566893 EKRAR hat/coat stand 169 dark yellow AP [Actual Quantity: 10 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX25.46KGS 99.86CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/23/20239403201080446337 MALMBACK display shlf 60 white AP [Actual Quantity:36 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX30.636KGS 89.18CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/23/20239403201000330086 RAMSTA day-bed 90x200 white AP JP [Actual Quantity:13 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX221.208KGS 775.63CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/16/20239403201060483986 IVAR cabinet w doors 80x83 white mesh AP [Actual Quantity: 4 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX57.552KGS 219.9CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/16/20239403201090340199 BROR cabinet w 2 doors 76x40x66 black AP [Actual Quantity: 4 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX67.28KGS 207.51CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/16/20239403201010431315 JONAXEL shelv ut 25x51x70 white AP [Actual Quantity: 6 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX25.338KGS 73.52CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/16/20239403201050550896 GREJIG shoe rack 58x27x17 grey-green AP [Actual Quantity: 84 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX65.772KGS 272.18CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA
11/16/20239403201030494364 HELMER drawer unit on castors 28x69 dgrey/lgrey AP[Actual Quantity: 13 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX142.038KGS 367.33CZECH REPUBLIC NHAVA SHEVA SEA

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Chennai sea. We collect HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Chennai sea with product and date.HS Code 94032010 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Chennai sea helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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