Get Latest Import Data of India from South korea under HS Code 85332111

Get the latest India Import Data from South korea under HS Code 85332111. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

3/24/202485332111( 1428708 ) RESISTOR 75R 250mW 1% 1206 ARROW GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES INC 5000PCS 6.22South KoreaCHENNAI AIR
3/24/202485332111( 1422724 ) RESISTOR CSR 20mR 1% 2512 1W TCR100 ARROW GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES INC 8000PCS 330.55South KoreaCHENNAI AIR
2/6/202485332111CRCW120622R0JNEA Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 17NOS 0.77south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111MMB02070C6800FB200 Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 2000NOS 118.86south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111SMM02040C6808FB300 Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 15000NOS 455.41south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111MMB02070C2208FB200 Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 2000NOS 175.7south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111MMB02070C2208FB200 Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 4000NOS 351.41south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111RC0201JR-07220RL Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 10000NOS 7.88south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111RG1608N-6650-W-T1 Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 100NOS 73.68south koreaDELHI AIR
2/6/202485332111CR0603-FX-1330ELF Resistor (FOR RE-EXPORTU/S 69) RSG GBR 4NOS 0.48south koreaDELHI AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 85332111 from South korea.We collect Import data under HS Code 85332111 from South korea with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 85332111 of India from South korea helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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