Get India Import Data from Czech republic to Cma cgm logistics park icd port under HS Code 82119200

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Czech republic to Cma cgm logistics park icd Port under HS Code 82119200 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

3/26/20248211920030289245 VORDA vegetable knife 16 black AP JP [Actual Quantity: 96 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX17.28KGS 256.5CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
3/26/20248211920090289266 VORDA paring knife 9 black AP JP [Actual Quantity:120 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX6.72KGS 178.29CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
3/26/20248211920090283518 IKEA 365+ bread knife 23 stainless steel AP JP [Actual Quantity: 20 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX3.42KGS 75.84CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
3/15/20248211920020283526 IKEA 365+ cook's knife 20 stainless steel AP JP [Actual Quantity: 40 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX7.32KGS 151.67CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
3/15/20248211920030283516 IKEA 365+ util knife 14 stainless steel AP JP [Actual Quantity: 80 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX8.32KGS 199.57CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
10/10/20238211920090289266 VORDA paring knife 9 black AP JP [Actual Quantity:80 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX4.56KGS 125.63CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
10/7/20238211920090287936 IKEA 365+ vegetable knife 16 stainless steel AP JP[Actual Quantity: 60 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX10.8KGS 236.89CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
10/7/20238211920090289247 VORDA util knife 14 black AP JP [Actual Quantity: 324 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX39.852KGS 609.15CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
8/29/20238211920050273516 LINDRIG knife 24 dark brown 2-p AP JP [Actual Quantity: 96 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX13.44KGS 449.55CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD
8/29/20238211920050283520 IKEA 365+ paring knife 9 stainless steel AP JP [Actual Quantity: 80 NOS] XXXXXXXXXX6.56KGS 178.39CZECH REPUBLIC BANGALORE ICD

Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 82119200 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Cma cgm logistics park icd. We collect HS Code 82119200 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Cma cgm logistics park icd with product and date.HS Code 82119200 Import Data of India from Czech republic at Cma cgm logistics park icd helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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