Get India Import Data from Usa to Chennai air cargo acc port under HS Code 75051210

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Usa to Chennai air cargo acc Port under HS Code 75051210 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

3/20/202475051210(FOC) R65 4.24" PLUGS GE AVIATION 84NOS 2017.34USABANGALORE AIR
2/22/202475051210K-500 1-3/4" DIA BAR REV E 165.0 IN N05500 QQN286E REV:1 HEAT#372115 (5 PCS) Corrosion Materials 276.23KGS 16449.4USABOMBAY AIR CARGO INBOM4
2/22/202475051210CM400 1-5/8" DIA CD. STRESS RELIVED ROUND BAR QQ-N-281D AM2CLA FM1 ASTM B164 137.0 IN HEAT#MM7394BG11A (6 PCS) Corrosion Materials 246.3KGS 13135.48USABOMBAY AIR CARGO INBOM4
12/23/202375051210NICKEL COPPER CLASS A QQ-N-281, DIA 2.00 LOT#BS8088, 12 BARSOF 36", 234616-TR2000 (36 FEET) 75DCXCHOL ENTERPRISES INC 236.6KGS 6097.04USABANGALORE AIR
8/14/2023750512101-1/2" ALLOY 400 ROUND BAR - CDSR HEAT : 284098 LOT NO 135804940 (13 PCS) Midalloy Specialty Materials 510KGS 24988.02USASAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
8/14/2023750512101-7/8" ALLOY 400 ROUND BAR - CDSR HEAT : 281798 LOT NO 102408150 (3 PCS) Midalloy Specialty Materials 214KGS 9746USASAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
8/14/2023750512101-5/8" ALLOY 400 ROUND BAR - CDSR HEAT : 286929 LOT NO 127318660 (10 PCS) Midalloy Specialty Materials 471KGS 24275.98USASAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
8/5/202375051210Ni ALLOY ROUND BAR NRB INCOLOY 925 110KSI 25.4mm x L:3000mmHEAT NO. 574111 HH Special Metal Pte Ltd 73.5KGS 4487USASAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
6/9/202375051210FOC Hytech Machining, Part# H2, Rene 108 Horizontal Wear Specimen BarGE GAS TURBINES GREENVILLE L L C1NOS1772.64USABANGALORE AIR
6/9/202375051210FOC Hytech Machining, Part# H3, Rene 108 Horizontal Wear Specimen BarGE GAS TURBINES GREENVILLE L L C1NOS1772.64USABANGALORE AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Usa at Chennai air cargo acc. We collect HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Usa at Chennai air cargo acc with product and date.HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Usa at Chennai air cargo acc helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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