Get India Import Data from Germany to Hyderabad air port under HS Code 75051210

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Germany to Hyderabad air Port under HS Code 75051210 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

2/16/202475051210K 500 Bar 25.4mm Dia Heat No 903653 BGH SLSTAHL GMBH 760KGS 36289.29GERMANY BOMBAY AIR CARGO INBOM4
2/6/202475051210WIRE CUT 40206758 INTO LENGTHS VDM FM C-276 (NICROFER S 5716) MATERIALNO.2.4886/UNS N0 N 10276 AWS A5.14 ERNICRMO-4 DRAW VDM Metals International GmbH 100KGS 6782.95GERMANY BOMBAY AIR CARGO INBOM4
2/6/202475051210WIRE CUT 40191444 INTO LENGTHS VDM FM 622 (NICROFER S 5621)MATERIALNO.2.4635/UNS N06022 AWS A5.14 ERNICRMO-10 DRAWNRED VDM Metals International GmbH 250KGS 15198.11GERMANY BOMBAY AIR CARGO INBOM4
1/17/202475051210MONEL K500 - DIA 38.1 x 2300MM (NICKEL ALLOY BAR)(FOC) USD E STEEL SDN BHD 891338A 1NOS 250.11GERMANY SAHAR AIR
12/27/202375051210STUB SHAFT RAW PART ALLOY 718.2.4668 (41,5X680 MM ) ROD (804713100801) 75TURBO ENERGY GERMANY GMBH 5NOS 2990.46GERMANY CHENNAI AIR
12/27/202375051210STUB SHAFT RAW PART ALLOY 718 2.4668 (34X700 MM ) ROD (804713100801) 75TURBO ENERGY GERMANY GMBH 7NOS 3054.17GERMANY CHENNAI AIR
12/27/202375051210STUB SHAFT RAW PART ALLOY 718.2.4668 (41,5X700 MM ) ROD (804713100801) 75TURBO ENERGY GERMANY GMBH 2NOS 1196.18GERMANY CHENNAI AIR
11/19/202375051210400 ROUND BAR 1.25" TAG #337394 (HEAT NO-53500) DEUTSCHE NICKEL AMERICA INC 95.72KGS 5011.79GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
11/19/202375051210500 ROUND BAR 1.125" TAG #337186 (HEAT NO-53353) DEUTSCHE NICKEL AMERICA INC 44KGS 2524.9GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
10/4/202375051210400 ROUND BAR 1.125" TAG #336554 (HEAT NO-53232) DEUTSCHE NICKEL AMERICA, INC. 970KGS 46720.64GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Germany at Hyderabad air. We collect HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Germany at Hyderabad air with product and date.HS Code 75051210 Import Data of India from Germany at Hyderabad air helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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