Get India Import Data from Germany to Sahar air port under HS Code 72122099

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Germany to Sahar air Port under HS Code 72122099 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

3/22/202472122099107608 - 311119300 EN10139 DC01-C590 A EN10140B 0.40 X 400MMCOIL (ELECTRODEPOSITION GALVANISED CR PLATED ZINC STEEL) XXXXXXXXXX2930KGS 9126.01GERMANY SAHAR AIR
12/1/202372122099(FOC ITEM)#6 - sheet metal labels 72XXXXXXXXXX241NOS 21.69GERMANY BANGALORE AIR
11/28/202372122099ZINC PLATED STEEL STRIPE - 103947 (311170200 00320) (EN10139DC01-C590 A EN10140B 0,40 X 436,00 MM) XXXXXXXXXX1345KGS 4852.01GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
11/11/202372122099COLD ROLLED ZINC PLATED STEEL COILS - 103948 (31117050000330) (EN10139 DC01-C590 A EN10140B 0,50 X 436,00 MM) XXXXXXXXXX2685KGS 9731.13GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
5/27/202372122099COLD ROLLED ZINC PLATED STEEL COILS-104766 311216600 00340 EN10139 DC04-C390 A EN10140C 0.600 X 510.00 MM EN 10152 ZN 2, XXXXXXXXXX2550KGS 9692.23GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC
4/7/202372122099COLD ROLLED ZINC PLATED STEEL COILS - 106437 (311507103 00080) (EN10139 DC01-C590 A EN10140B - 0,900X 390,00 MM) XXXXXXXXXX910KGS 4566.82GERMANY SAHAR AIR CARGO ACC

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 72122099 Import Data of India from Germany at Sahar air. We collect HS Code 72122099 Import Data of India from Germany at Sahar air with product and date.HS Code 72122099 Import Data of India from Germany at Sahar air helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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