Get Latest Import Data of India from Zimbabwe under HS Code 71022120

Get the latest India Import Data from Zimbabwe under HS Code 71022120. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS(K.P.C.NO:AE 164512 DT:29.03.2024) KRIPAL ROCKS DMCC 15013.75CTM 209515.55ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS(K.P.C.NO:AE 164512 DT:29.03.2024) KRIPAL ROCKS DMCC 15013.1CTM 209506.48ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS (K.P.C.NO.: AE 164548 DT:29/03/2024) S JOGANI DMCC 15014.2CTM 171733.33ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS (K.P.C.NO.: AE 164548 DT:29/03/2024) S JOGANI DMCC 5001CTM 99570.05ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS(K.P.C.NO:AE 164512 DT:29.03.2024) KRIPAL ROCKS DMCC 15012.2CTM 209493.92ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS (K.P.C.NO.: AE 164548 DT:29/03/2024) S JOGANI DMCC 5002.5CTM 99599.91ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS (K.P.C.NO.: AE 164548 DT:29/03/2024) S JOGANI DMCC 2272.59CTM 96037.8ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/30/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS (K.P.C.NO.: AE 164548 DT:29/03/2024) S JOGANI DMCC 10936.7CTM 143838.09ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/29/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS(K.P.C.NO:AE 164204 DT:28.03.2024) AARAS DIAM DMCC 2467CTM 115922.95ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD
3/29/202471022120ROUGH DIAMONDS(K.P.C.NO:AE 164204 DT:28.03.2024) AARAS DIAM DMCC 1041CTM 52241.36ZIMBABWE HIRA BORUSE SURAT ICD

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 71022120 from Zimbabwe.We collect Import data under HS Code 71022120 from Zimbabwe with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 71022120 of India from Zimbabwe helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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