Get India Import Data from Germany to Hamburg port under HS Code 70151010

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Germany to Hamburg Port under HS Code 70151010 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

9/20/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALMIC BLANKS FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1494410 D0991-0 80,0 9,2 -130,8 +130,8 120,7 grs 09 XXXXXXXXXX28768PCS 45937.92GERMANY Hamburg
9/20/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALMIC BLANKS FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1494411 D0991-0 80,0 9,2 -87,2 +87,2 120,7 grs 0991 XXXXXXXXXX3780PCS 6036.05GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1493111 D0290-0 70,0 10,5 -88,3 +123,1 118,6 grs 0 XXXXXXXXXX858PCS 1234.07GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1492376 D0290-0 65,0 2,8 -87,1 +209,2 41,1 grs 029 XXXXXXXXXX645PCS 321.48GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1493771 D0991-0 85,0 14,0 -87,2 +174,3 248,7 grs 0 XXXXXXXXXX980PCS 3224.45GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1494084 D0991-0 85,0 14,0 -63,4 +91,0 246,1 grs 09 XXXXXXXXXX1260PCS 4102.38GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1494396 D0991-0 80,0 14,0 -87,2 +174,3 215,8 grs 0 XXXXXXXXXX4032PCS 11511.35GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1492859 D0991-0 75,0 8,0 -130,7 +130,7 92,2 grs 09 XXXXXXXXXX1584PCS 1549GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1222767 D0290-0 70,0 10,1 -110,0 +130,7 112,4 g 02 XXXXXXXXXX75PCS 102.23GERMANY Hamburg
9/14/202370151010(IGCRD SR NO.1) ROUGH OPHTHALM.BLANKS UF FOR CORRECTIVE SPECTACLE USE 1494086 D0991-0 86,0 12,0 -130,8 +174,3 195,9 gr 0 XXXXXXXXXX504PCS 1047.19GERMANY Hamburg

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 70151010 Import Data of India from Germany at Hamburg. We collect HS Code 70151010 Import Data of India from Germany at Hamburg with product and date.HS Code 70151010 Import Data of India from Germany at Hamburg helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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