Get India Import Data from Turkey to Nhava sheva port under HS Code 70133700

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Turkey to Nhava sheva Port under HS Code 70133700 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

2/27/20247013370050522672 STORSINT whiskey glass 30 cl clear glass 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 132 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 105.6KGS 620.03TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/27/20247013370080541462 GLASMAL glass 34 cl mixed colours 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 84 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 94.08KGS 430.01TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/13/20247013370080216303 FRASERA whiskey glass 30 cl AP CN [Actual Quantity:252 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 68.04KGS 145.52TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/13/20247013370020453123 SVEPA N glass 31 cl clear glass 12-p AP [Actual Quantity: 40 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 141.36KGS 297.6TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/13/20247013370010242032 OANVAND beer glass 63 cl clear glass AP CN [ActualQuantity: 192 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 97.92KGS 232.39TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/5/20247013370070530534 VARDAGEN glass 43 cl brown 4-p AP [Actual Quantity:72 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 94.464KGS 252.65TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
2/1/20247013370000472896 SALLSKAPLIG glass 39 cl cl gls/patt 4-p AP [ActualQuantity: 84 NOS] KGS IKEA Supply AG 104.16KGS 362.85TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA INNSA1
1/28/20247013370080216303 FRASERA whiskey glass 30 cl AP CN [Actual Quantity:294 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 79.38KGS 169.36TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA
1/28/20247013370050347942 PASSERAD dbl wlld glass 30 cl 2-p AP [Actual Quantity: 144 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 60.34KGS 716.24TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA
1/28/20247013370030278360 IKEA 365+ glass 30 cl clear glass 6-p AP JP [ActualQuantity: 105 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 167.69KGS 264.04TURKEY NHAVA SHEVA

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 70133700 Import Data of India from Turkey at Nhava sheva. We collect HS Code 70133700 Import Data of India from Turkey at Nhava sheva with product and date.HS Code 70133700 Import Data of India from Turkey at Nhava sheva helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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