Get India Import Data from Bulgaria to Jnptmumbai port under HS Code 70

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Bulgaria to Jnptmumbai Port under HS Code 70 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

12/28/20237013420050566642 BLAKAXA drnk straws/cleanbrush s5 mixed colours AP[Actual Quantity: 58 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 3.364KGS 161BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013990030495486 EFTERTANKA deco hourglass 10 clear glass/sand AP [Actual Quantity: 96 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 14.304KGS 237.82BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013990030502929 GRADVIS plant pot 12 in/outdoor grey AP [Actual Quantity: 18 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 17.82KGS 67.68BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013490090553204 CITRONHAJ salt/pepper shakers 8 cl gls/stnls 2p AP[Actual Quantity: 1440 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 264.96KGS 1735.82BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237010200080449208 KLOCKREN pan lid 33 glass AP [Actual Quantity: 64 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 59.008KGS 314.26BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237009920030446783 ROTSUND mirror 80 white AP [Actual Quantity: 10 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 48.02KGS 349.36BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013370020453123 SVEPA N glass 31 cl clear glass 12-p AP [Actual Quantity: 40 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 141.36KGS 310.98BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013490040279726 IKEA 365+ mug 36 cl clear glass AP JP [Actual Quantity: 189 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 68.229KGS 171.4BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013990020350139 BEGAVNING glass dome w base 26 AP [Actual Quantity:60 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 55.5KGS 378.22BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI
12/28/20237013420080133992 MIXTUR oven/serv dish 35x25 clear glass AP JP [Actual Quantity: 96 NOS] 70IKEA Supply AG 173.664KGS 427.86BULGARIA JNPTMUMBAI

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 70 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Jnptmumbai. We collect HS Code 70 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Jnptmumbai with product and date.HS Code 70 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Jnptmumbai helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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