Get Latest Import Data of India from Austria under HS Code 69120010

Get the latest India Import Data from Austria under HS Code 69120010. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

1/10/20246912001040502957 OMBONAD plate 26 dark grey 2-p AP [Actual Quantity:12 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 18.94KGS 55.57AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001040479706 GODMIDDAG deep plate 23 white 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 8 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 22.04KGS 40.5AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001060481826 FARGKLAR cup/saucer 7 cl matt/lturq 4-p AP [ActualQuantity: 36 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 29.63KGS 123.23AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001020429642 DINERA espr cup/saucer 9 cl beige AP [Actual Quantity: 360 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 78.12KGS 307.06AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001090470567 GLADELIG plate 20x13 grey 2-p AP [Actual Quantity:72 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 45.36KGS 223.33AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001080503634 GLADELIG plate 25 blue 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 45NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 126KGS 345.96AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001010481819 FARGKLAR cup/saucer 25 cl matt lturq 4-p AP [ActualQuantity: 15 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 25.36KGS 83.58AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001090503619 GLADELIG bowl 11 blue 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 108NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 97.52KGS 421.14AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001030505635 STRIMMIG bowl 15 stoneware grey 4-p AP [Actual Quantity: 8 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 14.34KGS 38.99AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20246912001040503631 GLADELIG plate 20x13 blue 2-p AP [Actual Quantity:168 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 98.28KGS 562.04AUSTRIA N/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 69120010 from Austria.We collect Import data under HS Code 69120010 from Austria with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 69120010 of India from Austria helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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