Get Latest Import Data of India from Austria under HS Code 68042210

Get the latest India Import Data from Austria under HS Code 68042210. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

1/22/202468042210XC991973436 T1-240X230X110 68DA80 F9VP470XSR3-80M/S A453 (10NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 159.5KGS 3355.55AUSTRIA N/A
1/22/202468042210XC991932606 T1-240X230X110 68DA120 F9VP470XSR3-80M/S A453 (8NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 122.56KGS 2684.44AUSTRIA N/A
1/22/202468042210XC992012283 T1-610X200X304,8 54A120 H15VPMF604W-50M/S A005 (1 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 76KGS 1242.92AUSTRIA N/A
1/22/202468042210XC991932606 T1-240X230X110 68DA120 F9VP470XSR3-80M/S A453 (9 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 137.88KGS 3019.99AUSTRIA N/A
1/17/202468042210XC991936086 T1NSP-508X53,2X203,2 V60 X2,66 ZN17411 40A120 K5V450W-50M/S (1 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 35.1KGS 828.02AUSTRIA N/A
1/17/202468042210XC991174845 T1N-500X40X203,2 V60 X5 54A80 H15VPMF604W-50M/S(1 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 10.6KGS 275.82AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/202468042210XC991887172 T1N-500X25X203,2 V60 X4,62 (2 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 15.6KGS 477.53AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/202468042210XC991207389 T1N-500X40X203,2 V60 X2,89 (5 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 60.5KGS 1319.78AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/202468042210XC992009958 T1-550X35X203,2 40A120 K5V450W (1 NOS) (Abrasivewheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 15.3KGS 312.94AUSTRIA N/A
1/5/202468042210XC991861508 T1-300X125X160 68A80 F9VP450XSR1 (2 NOS) (Abrasive wheels) EUR 3M PRECISION GRINDING GMBH 25KGS 473.59AUSTRIA N/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 68042210 from Austria.We collect Import data under HS Code 68042210 from Austria with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 68042210 of India from Austria helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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