Get India Import Data from Japan to Nagoya port under HS Code 680421

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Japan to Nagoya Port under HS Code 680421 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

9/30/2023680421904503441441-0060,66260252623 VITRIFIED BOND CBN WHEEL SL NO-VW433105,VW433106 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 2NOS 3612.4JAPAN NAGOYA
9/30/2023680421904503450633-0020,66260257621 VITRIFIED BOND CBN WHEEL SL NO-VW433648 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 807.32JAPAN NAGOYA
9/30/2023680421904503434287-0010,66260261178 VITRIFIED BOND CBN WHEEL SL NO-VWZ433925 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 1071.4JAPAN NAGOYA
9/30/2023680421904503453013-0010,66260262135 VITRIFIED BOND CBN WHEEL SL NO-VW433939,VW433940 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 2NOS 3836.8JAPAN NAGOYA
9/30/2023680421904503441441-0030,66260254614 VITRIFIED BOND CBN WHEEL SL NO-VVW433089 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 1748.04JAPAN NAGOYA
9/21/20236804219066260257621 VW433646 VW433647 Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel CBN140K150VCB01 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 2NOS 1621.72JAPAN NAGOYA
9/21/20236804219066260261445 VW434425 Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel CBN230J175VMAGR302-1 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 1082.98JAPAN NAGOYA
9/21/20236804219066260254614 VW433087 VW433088 Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel CBN120L200VBA1R302-2 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 2NOS 3511.44JAPAN NAGOYA
9/21/20236804219066260246513 VW433009 Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel CBN120M200VBAGR302-2 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 1319.37JAPAN NAGOYA
9/21/20236804219066260252623 VW433104 Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel CBN120L200VBA1R302-2 JTEKT GRINDING TOOLS CORPORATION 1NOS 1814.13JAPAN NAGOYA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 680421 Import Data of India from Japan at Nagoya. We collect HS Code 680421 Import Data of India from Japan at Nagoya with product and date.HS Code 680421 Import Data of India from Japan at Nagoya helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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