Get Latest Import Data of India from Italy under HS Code 63029900

Get the latest India Import Data from Italy under HS Code 63029900. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

3/19/202463029900K49270 9244 1 DUV.SET W/BUTT.220X200 (U.270X290+2PC 50X70(QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 264.81ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K49387 9244 1 DUVET COVER W/BUTTONS 135X200 (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 111.38ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K49336 9244 1 PILLOWCASE 3 VOLANT 80X80 (BUTTONS) (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 40.91ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/2024630299001C3SP99898/60 CARLYLE BATH SHEET 100X150 (QTY-1 NOS) MISSONI SPA 0.2KGS 82.97ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K48411 9244 1 DUVET SET WITH BUTT.240X220 +4X50X70 +270X2 (QTY- 1 NOS) ETRO SPA 2.3KGS 336.41ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K48639 9244 1 DUVET SET W.BUTT.260X220 (U.270X290 PIL.50X (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 2.3KGS 279.59ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K49124 9244 1 PILLOWCASE 3 VOLANT 50X80 - 2 PCS SET (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 67.06ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K49335 9244 1 PILLOWCASE 3 VOLANT 50X70 (BUTTONS) (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 34.1ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/2024630299001C3SP99898/20 CARLYLE BATH SHEET 100X150 (QTTY-1 NOS) MISSONI SPA 0.6KGS 82.97ITALY SAHAR AIR
3/19/202463029900K49266 9244 1 DUVET COVER WITH BUTTONS 240X220 (QTY-1 NOS) ETRO SPA 0.1KGS 161.39ITALY SAHAR AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 63029900 from Italy.We collect Import data under HS Code 63029900 from Italy with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 63029900 of India from Italy helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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