Get Latest India Import Data to Delhi air cargo acc port under HS Code 55121990

Discover potential buyers for your products through our verified India Import Data based on shipments to Delhi air cargo acc port. Search Latest India Import Data to Delhi air cargo acc port under HS Code 55121990 with product name, Unit, quantity, price, buyer name, and port details.

3/30/2024551219904482/2-J501 Omni-R Ebony BC (120386) 1P00000600 (FABRIC) (QTY 1224 MTR) (PTR NO: 0253032324-4644 DT: 18.10.2023) Innovasia Hong Kong Limited 2203.2SQM 7388.46HONG KONG SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J501 OMNI-R EBONY BC (120386) (PART NO: IP00000600) (QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J509 OMNI-R COCOA BC (1M00575) (PART NO: 1P00000605)(QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J5031 OMNI-R J544 NICKEL BC (1M03170) (PART NO: IP00000624) (QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J501 OMNI-R EBONY BC (120386) 1P00000600 (FABRIC) (QTY 612 MTR) (PTR NO: 0253032324-4644 DT: 18.10.2023) Innovasia Hong Kong Limited 1101.6SQM 3694.23HONG KONG SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J5031 OMNI-R J544 Nickel BC (1M03170) 1P00000624 (FABRIC) (QTY 69.5 MTR) (PTR NO: 0253032324-4647 DT: 18.10.2023) Innovasia Hong Kong Limited 125.1SQM 419.52HONG KONG SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J506 OMNI-R SAPPHIRE BC (1M00572) (PART NO: IP00000602) (QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J5061 OMNI-R J537 TANGERINE BC (1M03167) (PART NO: 1P00000620) (QTY: 10.0 METERS/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J518 OMNI-R MAIZE BC (1M00580) (PART NO: 1P00000611)(QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR
3/30/2024551219904482/2-J5032 OMNI-R J547 MALT BC (1M03171) (PART NO: 1P00000625) (QTY: 10.0 MTR/UP: 5.52 USD) INNOVASIA HONG KONG LIMITED 18SQM 111.14CHINA SAHAR AIR

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