Get India Import Data from Bulgaria to Patparganj icd port under HS Code 44149000

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Bulgaria to Patparganj icd Port under HS Code 44149000 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

3/26/20244414900050297433 SILVERHOJDEN frame 30x40 silver-colour AP CN [Actual Quantity: 22 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 13.9KGS 73.91BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/26/20244414900060459123 SANNAHED frame 25x25 black AP [Actual Quantity: 72NOS] IKEA Supply AG 58.03KGS 213.14BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/20/20244414900020370397 SILVERHOJDEN frame 21x30 gold-colour AP [Actual Quantity: 60 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 23.64KGS 124.39BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/20/20244414900020528166 SANNAHED frame 50x50 black AP [Actual Quantity: 13NOS] IKEA Supply AG 26.53KGS 117.18BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/20/20244414900050464709 FISKBO frame 10x15 light pink AP [Actual Quantity:280 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 28.28KGS 167.64BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/20/20244414900040427618 EDSBRUK frame 13x18 black stained AP [Actual Quantity: 28 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 14.11KGS 48.43BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/5/20244414900060559542 PLOMMONTRAD frame 30x40 whi stained pine effect AP[Actual Quantity: 16 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 22.46KGS 71.13BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/5/20244414900000427291 KNOPPANG frame 30x40 white AP [Actual Quantity: 48NOS] IKEA Supply AG 30.1KGS 134.64BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/5/20244414900000466838 HIMMELSBY frame 10x15 white AP [Actual Quantity: 195 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 61.62KGS 259.44BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD
3/5/20244414900070387121 KNOPPANG frame 21x30 black AP [Actual Quantity: 60NOS] IKEA Supply AG 26.22KGS 105.11BULGARIA BANGALORE ICD

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 44149000 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Patparganj icd. We collect HS Code 44149000 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Patparganj icd with product and date.HS Code 44149000 Import Data of India from Bulgaria at Patparganj icd helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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