Get India Import Data from Austria to Sonepat icd port under HS Code 44111400

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Austria to Sonepat icd Port under HS Code 44111400 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

2/1/20244411140000451709 STENSUND deco strip cont 221x3 white AP [Actual Quantity: 1 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 3.231KGS 11.2AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
2/1/20244411140030553457 SKYTTA stop bar 3 tracks s2 white 2-p AP [Actual Quantity: 7 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 51.289KGS 178.08AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/31/20234411140010327390 VOXTORP deco strip round 221 walnut effect AP CN [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 6.015KGS 27.44AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/31/20234411140060417760 BODBYN deco strip cont 221x6 off-white AP [Actual Quantity: 2 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 5.528KGS 15.59AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/23/20234411140060417760 BODBYN deco strip cont 221x6 off-white AP [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 8.292KGS 23.39AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/23/20234411140070554308 HAVSTORP deco strip round 221 beige AP [Actual Quantity: 1 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 2.081KGS 8.6AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/23/20234411140060417760 BODBYN deco strip cont 221x6 off-white AP [Actual Quantity: 2 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 5.528KGS 15.59AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
10/22/20234411140040273692 BODBYN deco strip cont 221 grey AP CN [Actual Quantity: 4 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 11.208KGS 38.62AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
7/28/20234411140020435643 BODARP deco strip round 221 grey-green AP [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 6.417KGS 30.44AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD
5/4/20234411140020520207 KALLARP deco strip 221 high-gloss lgrey-blu AP [Actual Quantity: 16 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 31.28KGS 217.67AUSTRIA BANGALORE ICD

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 44111400 Import Data of India from Austria at Sonepat icd. We collect HS Code 44111400 Import Data of India from Austria at Sonepat icd with product and date.HS Code 44111400 Import Data of India from Austria at Sonepat icd helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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