Get India Import Data from Argentina to Concepcion del urugu port under HS Code 44032290

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Argentina to Concepcion del urugu Port under HS Code 44032290 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

9/27/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE KIS - (94 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 14.362CBM 1536.92ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/27/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE K - (2048 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 560.496CBM 65585.91ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/27/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE A - (647 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 354.822CBM 42583.76ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/22/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE K - (2115 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 637.077CBM 84003.24ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/22/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE A - (464 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 265.956CBM 35865.24ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/22/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE KIS - (189 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 32.02CBM 3902.22ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/6/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE KIS - (129 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 19.442CBM 2369.36ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/6/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE K - (1929 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 528.269CBM 69656.11ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/6/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE A - (876 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 452.928CBM 61079.17ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu
9/1/202344032290PINE LOGS GRADE A - (409 PCS) PREMARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 228.453CBM 28560.06ARGENTINA Concepcion del Urugu

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 44032290 Import Data of India from Argentina at Concepcion del urugu. We collect HS Code 44032290 Import Data of India from Argentina at Concepcion del urugu with product and date.HS Code 44032290 Import Data of India from Argentina at Concepcion del urugu helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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