Get India Import Data from Uruguay to Nhava sheva sea port under HS Code 44032190

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Uruguay to Nhava sheva sea Port under HS Code 44032190 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

3/19/202444032190EUCALYPTUS LOGS ( 948 PCS ) IDALEN SA 283.36CBM 37156.63UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/15/202444032190EUCALYPTUS LOGS (462 PCS ) IDALEN SA 258.44CBM 33889.2UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/15/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (2797 PCS) IDALEN SA 444.18CBM 66419.16UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/15/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (2797 PCS) IDALEN SA 320.89CBM 47983.37UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/15/202444032190EUCALYPTUS LOGS (1301 PCS) IDALEN SA 503.71CBM 60969.96UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/15/202444032190EUCALYPTUS LOGS (2218) PCS IDALEN SA 932.37CBM 116616.43UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/11/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (1160 PCS) IDALEN SA 498.9CBM 75934.19UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/11/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (1370 PCS) IDALEN SA 499.34CBM 75655.28UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/11/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (3749 PCS) IDALEN SA 750.57CBM 106949.24UruguayKANDLA SEA
3/11/202444032190FRESH CUT URUGUAY PINE LOGS (1188 PCS) IDALEN SA 487.19CBM 72878.25UruguayKANDLA SEA

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 44032190 Import Data of India from Uruguay at Nhava sheva sea. We collect HS Code 44032190 Import Data of India from Uruguay at Nhava sheva sea with product and date.HS Code 44032190 Import Data of India from Uruguay at Nhava sheva sea helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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