Get India Import Data from China to Jnptmumbai port under HS Code 40114010

Uncover the unique India Import Data from China to Jnptmumbai Port under HS Code 40114010 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 110/70ZR17M/CTL 54W M9-F, JP131110 (KTM DUKE)(SIL. NO. 0111008734 DT.25.05.23 SR NO :.1) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 33917.46CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 110/70R17M/CTL 54HM+S SCRASF,JU131050 KTM DUKE(SIL.0111007178 DT:16.02.23 SR.NO.5) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 32651.2CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 150/60ZR17M/CTL 66W M9-R, JP131255 (KTM DUKE)(SIL. NO. 0111008734 DT.25.05.23 SR NO :.2) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 36517.8CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 110/70R17M/CTL 54H M5-F -JG131008 TYRE TUBELESS (0111011179 DT.25.09.2023 SR.NO.2) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 28490.66CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 150/60R17M/CTL 66HM+S SCRASR,JU131258 KTM DUKE(SIL.0111007178 DT:16.02.23 SR.NO.6) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 39773.87CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/27/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 150/60R17M/CTL 66H M5-R,JG131221(KTM DUKE)(SIL.NO.0111011179 DT: 25.09.2023 S/N:3) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 32051.99CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/19/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRE REAR 140/80R17M/CTL 69V KAROSR,TA131223 KTM DUKE SIL:0111008767 DT:29.05.23 S/N:6) 40XXXXXXXXXX1350PCS 69523.48CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/19/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 150/60R17M/CTL 66HM+S SCRASRJU131258 (KTM DUKE) (SIL:0111007178 DT.16/02/2023 SR.NO.6) 40XXXXXXXXXX27PCS 1060.38CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/19/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 150/60R17M/CTL 66HM+S SCRASRJU131258 (KTM DUKE) (SIL:0111007178 DT.16/02/2023 SR.NO.6) 40XXXXXXXXXX973PCS 38212.83CHINA JNPTMUMBAI
12/19/202340114010METZELER BRAND MOTORCYCLE TYRES 110/70R17M/CTL 54HM+S SCRASFJU131050 (KTM DUKE) (SIL:0111007178 DT.16/02/2023 SR.NO.5) 40XXXXXXXXXX1000PCS 32240.2CHINA JNPTMUMBAI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 40114010 Import Data of India from China at Jnptmumbai. We collect HS Code 40114010 Import Data of India from China at Jnptmumbai with product and date.HS Code 40114010 Import Data of India from China at Jnptmumbai helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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