Get Latest Import Data of India from South korea under HS Code 37019990

Get the latest India Import Data from South korea under HS Code 37019990. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 457 MM x 153 M 32 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2237.44SQM 2822.86South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 432 MM x 153 M 40 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2643.6SQM 3335.29South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 381 MM x 153 M 40 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2331.6SQM 2941.65South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2340 x 356 MM x 180 M 20 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 1281.6SQM 1537.55South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 457 MM x 180 M 40 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 3290.4SQM 3947.54South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 406 MM x 153 M 40 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2484.4SQM 3134.43South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2340 x 406 MM x 180 M 40 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2923.2SQM 3507South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 305 MM x 153 M 8 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 373.28SQM 470.95South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
3/18/202437019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 356 MM x 153 M 42 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2287.32SQM 2885.79South KoreaCHENNAI SEA
7/15/202337019990PHOTOPOLYMER FILM PK-2345 x 457 MM x 153 M 30 RL KOLON INDUSTRIES INC 2097.6SQM 2657.52South KoreaCHENNAI SEA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 37019990 from South korea.We collect Import data under HS Code 37019990 from South korea with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 37019990 of India from South korea helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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