Get India Import Data from Japan to Yokkaichi port under HS Code 28112200

Uncover the unique India Import Data from Japan to Yokkaichi Port under HS Code 28112200 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

9/30/202328112200AEROSIL 200 (SILICONE DIOXIDE) (NON Food item) XXXXXXXXXX540KGS 2547.02JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/30/202328112200AEROSIL 200 (SILICONE DIOXIDE) (NON Food item) XXXXXXXXXX1260KGS 5943.04JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/30/202328112200AEROSIL 200(CEPA NO.230262875179701810 DT:21/09/2023) XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 21840.46JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/21/202328112200AEROSIL (R) 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (CEPA CERT NO 230279527175201910 DT.01.09.2023) XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 19678.04JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/21/202328112200AEROSIL (R) 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (CEPA CERT NO 230202527175101910 DT.01.09.2023) XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 19678.04JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/20/202328112200AEROSIL 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (MATERIAL CODE 99035763/ BATCHCODE 613061781) (CEPA CERT.NO 230213523178101610 DT: 01.09. XXXXXXXXXX2700KGS 16380.35JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/20/202328112200AEROSIL 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (MATERIAL CODE 99035763/ BATCHCODE 613061981) (CEPA CERT.NO 230213523178101610 DT: 01.09. XXXXXXXXXX900KGS 5460.12JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/20/202328112200AEROSIL 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (MATERIAL CODE 99035763/ BATCHCODE 613061981) (CEPA CERT.NO 230246523178001610 DT: 01.09. XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 21840.46JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/16/202328112200AEROSIL (R) 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (CEPA CERT NO 230252390174201210 DT.25.08.2023) XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 19678.04JAPAN Yokkaichi
9/16/202328112200AEROSIL (R) 200 (SILICON DIOXIDE) (CEPA CERT NO 230229390174301210 DT.25.08.2023) XXXXXXXXXX3600KGS 19678.04JAPAN Yokkaichi

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 28112200 Import Data of India from Japan at Yokkaichi. We collect HS Code 28112200 Import Data of India from Japan at Yokkaichi with product and date.HS Code 28112200 Import Data of India from Japan at Yokkaichi helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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