Get Latest Bangladesh Plastics bottles Import Data from Germany

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

12/31/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 STRING LOCKDRUCKEREI MANTOW GMBH48Package2740.2GermanyN/A
12/28/202339239090Articles for the packing of goods, of plastics, nes STORAGEBOX,STOOLBORTEX GMBH3Package36GermanyN/A
12/28/202339229000Bidets, Lavatory Pans... And Other Sanitary Ware Of Plastics, Nes SEATS LIDBORTEX GMBH1.5Package80GermanyN/A
12/28/202339239090Articles for the packing of goods, of plastics, nes SAFETY CARRIER FOR 4I GLASS BOTTLES V2013MERCK LIFE SCIENCE KGAA2.8Package1586.01GermanyN/A
12/28/202339239090Articles for the packing of goods, of plastics, nes STORAGE BOXESBORTEX GMBH1Package60GermanyN/A
12/28/202339239090Articles for the packing of goods, of plastics, nes SAFETY CARRIER FOR 2.5L GLASS BOTTLESMERCK LIFE SCIENCE KGAA2Package1586.01GermanyN/A
12/27/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 LABEL ROLLNORSEL TEXTILMASCHINEN AG73Package5981.65GermanyN/A
12/26/202339235000Stoppers, Lids, Caps And Other Closures Of Plastics PROTECTING CAPSAURER SPINNING SOLUTIONS GMBHCO KG0.25Package32819.41GermanyN/A
12/24/202339264000Statuettes And Other Ornamental Articles Of Plastics GLASS TUBE FASTNER (PLASTICE)AUTECH INTL EK1Package27.85GermanyN/A
12/24/202339219091Other cellular plates, strips in printed form..., of plastics LANYARDBUELTEL WORLDWIDE FASHION GMBH CO0.5Package103GermanyN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plastics bottles Import Data of Bangladeshfrom Germany. We collect Plastics bottles Import Data of Bangladesh from Germany with product and date. Plastics bottles ImportData of Bangladesh from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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