Bangladesh Plastic resin imports data 2024 - Plastic resin Import Data of Bangladesh

Complete Detailed Competitor Analysis through our latest Plastic resin Import Data of Bangladesh 2024. Find detailed Bangladesh Import Data statistics consisting of the name of Plastic resin device importer in Bangladesh with Date, HS code, Product Details, quantity, Unit, Total Value in USD, Country, port Loading & unloading, buyer and more shipping information details below.

DateHS CodeProduct DetailsQuantityUnitTotal Value (USD)CountryPortBuyer
1/27/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) WATER BASE ADHESIVE & ECOSTICK ADHESIVE-900304195.75IndiaJessoreApex Footwear LIMITEDGet Detailed Shipment Records
1/24/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) ADHESIVE BASED ON POLYMER013590.35IndiaChittagongWell Accessories Ltd.
1/21/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) ADHESIVE DIFF.TYPES=19,425 KGS046850.13VietnamChittagongFB FOOTWEAR LIMITED
1/25/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) FINISHING GLUE (PU ADHESIVE) NP-71KN = 6000 KGS014715.45TaiwanChittagongFORTUNE SHOES LTD
1/16/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) ADHESIVE =31208.55 LTR074487.21TaiwanChittagongBay Footwear Ltd.
1/31/202196062100Buttons Of Plastics, Not Covered With Textile Material RESIN BUTTONS0437.32ChinaDhakaMOUCHAK KNIT COMPOSITE LTD.
1/14/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) SHOES MATERIALS ADHESIVE PU, WATER BASE , CLOTH03985.19ChinaChittagongExcelsior Shoes Limited
1/26/202135069110Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) HOTMELT ADHESIVE-PREPARED GLUE05478.02ItalyChittagongSuper Protective Shoes (Pvt.) Ltd.
1/31/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) GLUE(HOT MELT ADHESIVE) NEL-1018073460.94ChinaChittagongMaheen Dizayn Etiket (BD) Unit-2LIMITED
1/26/202135069190Adhesives Based On Rubber Or Plastic (Incl. Artificial Resins) GLUE (HOT MELT ADHESIVE)05124.85SingaporeUnknownMaheen Dizayn Etiket (BD) Unit-2LIMITED

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Exim Trade Data provides the latest, 100% genuine and trusted Bangladesh Import data of Plastic resin with HS Code and Price. We collect Plastic resin Import data from Bangladesh ports, customs, and othertrusted authorities in Bangladesh.Bangladesh Plastic resin Import data report helps to analyze Import price, product,company name, port, importer and exporter, product description, date, quantity, market trends, and manyother data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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